Channel of Revival a biography of Duncan Campbell

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Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones writes:
I am truly glad that this biography of this “Man of God” is being published, and especially at this present time. In private conversation, as
well as in his preaching, Duncan Campbell’s emphasis was always on the Lordship and the power of the Holy Spirit.
This carefully and judiciously written book should help many to come to an understanding of true revival and I trust, to urge them to pray for it without ceasing.

Andrew A. Woo1sey writes:
For various reasons human biographers seldom tell the whole story; here are trials and testings, faults and failings which remain undisclosed, and the subject of the following story is no exception.
While he was above many in spiritual stature, he also had his failings sometimes sore and shattering. But out of the ashes of deep repentance rose a chastened, humbled spirit and a more Christlike life to take God’s message to others.
It was a rare privilege to know him. He was a very ordinary man, but he was different. People meeting him were introduced to new spiritual dimensions, and could never be the same again. It is this difference that makes the story of his life worth telling.


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